Before you donate to
let's learn about the dictator it supports

Both Kony and Museveni have killed many innocent people.
But who is worse?    Who should we believe?
What is real the motivation of the Kony 2012 campaign?  
Why does millionaire General Museveni need donations to find Kony?

Joseph Kony

Lord's Resistance Army

General Yoweri Museveni

President of Uganda

Pro-Democracy fighter Anti-Democracy Dictator - "President" with no term limit, since 26 January 1986
His group has killed an estimated 10,000 - not good Ordered the invasion of Congo during the Second Congo War in 1998, resulting in 5,400,000 deaths
Worth not much

Net Worth estimated $11 million (in 2007)
Forbes Magazine: World's 10 Worst Dictators
Owns businesses in Sweden, Iceland, and 7 hotels in Bahamas

A fugitive who cannot communicate by phone or radio without being picked up by NSA satellites Controls the Media in Uganda - and the message
All newspapers, radio and TV stations
Cannot get his side of the story out to the public Has control of the official story to be fed to the people and to the gullible founders of Invisible Children Inc.
Accused and tried in abstentia.
Denies hurting innocent civilians.
Responsible for massacres in the Great African War (Congo War)
Patsy / Scape goat Needs a "Boogie Man" to justify Martial Law
The new "Emmanuel Goldstein" - from George Orwell's 1984, the rebel revolutionary that Big Brother's government wanted the people to hate.

Fools the public into doing daily "Two Minutes of Hate" mind control drill against his political rival.

From the movie 1984

Has been pursued for over 20 years, but somehow never caught, which justifies military rule to "protect" the public.

As with Osama Bin Laden, Kony is "pursued" but never caught.  He serves a function to justify military rule, as long as enough of the public believes the official story.

Was an altar boy at church (but no angel) No angel either.  Invaded and occupied Congo in a war that resulted in 5.4 million deaths in 1998

United Holy Salvation Army
Lord's Resistance Army

International Criminal Court (ICC) is investigating atrocities committed by Uganda Army

Hides in the jungles with his relatively small force. Enjoys assistance from United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) including millions in military support, trucks, fuel, planes, bombs
Limited funds from people donating for democracy Unlimited funds as Uganda government can print money at will
Even with high tech infrared detection and hundreds of satellite telescopes "we cannot find him?" Museveni needs Koni to stay alive to be his justification for military rule
Wants to bring democracy to Uganda Abolished term limits - "President for life"  voter fraud rampant
Kony denies using child soldiers and has not been seen with any

Photos of Kony show him with grown soldiers

Museveni openly approved use of child soldiers as Uganda "tradition"

Numerous photos of Museveni with child soldiers

Kony's fighters do not look like children

Museveni used children as soldiers to get into power

Who is the one using children as soldiers?

If America supports Democracy
why are we supporting a Dictator
who used children as soldiers?


Kony 2012 "Stop at Nothing" to Steal Uganda's Oil
Gold, Cobalt and the world's 2nd largest natural water source

Wall Street Journal
Tullow Says Investments In Uganda Oil Sector Has Hit $1Billion

Is Kono 2012 Really About Uganda's Oil

Where are Kony's children soldiers?  Invisible Children? 
Invisible = Not found


Who's lying: Joseph Kony's side of the story.
Who is lying?
Kony's side of the story

Kony 2012 is a scam
Russia Today

Kony 2012 Video is Misleading
Kony 2012 Video
is Misleading

Kono 2012 Misleading

My Response to Kony2012

Rosebell K. Uganda Reporter
KONY 2012 SCAM - Obama Deploys US Special Forces to Africa ( ALEX JONES INFOWARS )
Kony2012 Scam
Obama deploys US Forces
Dr. Webster Tarpley
Alex Jones Show
The TRUTH behind the KONY 2012 movement! MUST SEE
Truth behind Kony2012
Russia Today
Pepe Escobar
KONY 2012 - The Hidden Agenda
Kony 2012 -

The Hidden Agenda

Kony 2012 Exposed

Kony 2012 Fraud Exposed
Kony 2012 Fraud Exposed
Is Kony 2012 FRAUD? Just Asking Questions!
Kony 2012 Fraud?
Just Asking Questions!
KONY 2012 Scam or Not?
Kony 2012 Scam or Not?

Ugandan Viewpoints
IS KONY 2012  a SCAM ?
The Truth:

Kony 2012 Exposed
KONY2012 EXPOSED! Legit or Fraud?
Kony2012 Exposed

KONY 2012 = BIG OIL - Turth About Kony 2012 - Uganda oil find 2009  - Share this video!
Kony 2012 = Big Oil

KONY 2012 SCAM... Bankers Outsmarted by Millions of Young Activists?
Kony & his phonies

KONY 2012 - Viral Illuminati Propaganda
Viral Illuminati Propaganda

Museveni approves use of child soldiers
KONY 2012 EXPOSED... The Real Reason They Want To Make Kony Famous!!
Real reason for Kony 2012
Kony 2012 Hoax Exposed
Kony 2012 part 2
Kony 2012 Shocking Facts
Kony screening provokes anger in Uganda
Kony 2012 angers Uganda people
Interview with Kony
during peace talks

Questions we should ask before donating

Is Uganda dictator General Yoweri Museveni fooling Invisible Children Inc.
into spreading propaganda to frame Kony and his pro-democracy forces?

Has Kony even been seen since 2006?

If Kony has been stopped or killed, where are the donations going?

Is this a stunt to get support for increasing US military presence in Africa (AFRICOM)?

Is this a stunt to get more control over gold and oil discovered in Uganda?

Is this to get more US and UK companies into Uganda, and edge China out?

Why did Invisible Children raise over $9 million,
then refuse a free audit by the Better Business Bureau?

How much of the donated money that goes through the corrupt Uganda government ever gets to their people?

Why are we supporting a Dictator against his "rebels"?
Remember when Americans the "Rebels" in 1776 against the British Dictator?

The USA stood by and watched the Rwand Massacre.
Why are we suddenly interested in Uganda?

As with Osama Bin Laden, when the public starts doubting Kony has even been alive
will Special Forces suddenly "find" him, kill him, then dump his body into the ocean?

Joseph Goebbels would be proud of dictator General Yoweri Musevni for fooling Invisible Children Inc.
and millions of people into spreading propaganda about his rival, pro-democracy rebel Joseph Koni,
justifying martial law, and getting advanced military support from the US and UK in return for oil.

Helping General Museveni kill Kony - a good exuse for Obama to expand US Military in Uganda
and sell weapons in return for Uganda oil rights for US corporations

Forbes Magazine: World's 10 Worst Dictators  Aug 2011


Museveni misused UK Aid donations to buy a £30 million Gulfstream G550 private jet

Why does a man worth millions personally
and dictator of a country worth billions
need our donations to help find Kony?

George Bush and Muammar Gaddafi with General Yoweri Kaguta Museveni

AFRICOM.MIL - United States Military bases in Africa

Major Miller of Tennessee National Guard explains shipping labels during a February 2012 training event
where Africa Deployment Assistance Partnership Teams (ADAPT) traveled to Uganda to conduct Phase I
training for 27 members of the Uganda People's Defence Force (UPDF) 
Better Business Bureau

US Troops have already been "quietly" in Uganda for years

In 2010, the NY Times was gung ho
In 2012 the New York Times helps expose the fraud

Invisible Children Inc. founders posing with troops

Bobby Bailey, Laren Poole, and Jason Russell

Compensation of Leaders (FYE 06/2011) of Invisible Children Inc.


% of Expenses

Paid to Title
$88,241 .99% Ben Keesey Chief Executive Officer
$89,669 1.00% Jason Russell Co-Founder, Film maker
$84,377 .094% Laren Poole Co-Founder, Film maker

Invisible Children Revenue and Expenses

Revenue:  $9,213,412 Donations ($9.2 million)
Expenses:  $1,724,993
$ 16,381
Compensation - US employee salaries
Direct Services
Travel expenses ($1.07 million)
Film costs
Computer equipment
Fees and Licenses
Professional services (Lawyers, Lobbyists)
Office rent in downtown San Diego
Entertainment (!?)

Better Business Bureau

Invisible Children Inc. refused a free financial audit by the Better Business Bureau 

Download PDF of Financial Statements of Invisible Children, Inc.
Done by their In-house auditor - not a truly independent auditor

How to File a Complaint against Invisible Children Inc.

Charity Information

Please be as specific as possible about the problem or complaint and the actions you would like the charity to take to resolve it.


Zip Code:

Invisible Children Inc.
1620 Fifth Avenue, Suite 400
San Diego, CA  92101-2738
(619) 562-2799

Pretty fancy office in a high rent area for a Non-Profit,+San+Diego,+CA+92101

"LRA Crisis Tracker"
Blaming every crime on the LRA
with no proof it was not Museveni's covert operatives
or an over-reactive paranoid citizen.

MAR 11TH, 2012  

1 fisherman spotted a group of suspected LRA, comprised of men, women and children, near the Mbwele River in the DRC. Upon seeing the group, the man hid in the forest to avoid confrontation. Security forces were informed. No further details reported.


"Suspected LRA"? 
Probably a family on a picnic.

We should not rule out "False Flag" attacks to keep public in fear.

Why is America supporting a dictator who massacred millions
and used child soldiers to get into power?

is the one using children as soldiers!

  Phony 2012



BBC Video of Interview with Kony